Friday, November 23, 2012

I have had about all I can stand of your fucking whining

Holy fucking Christ on the cross!  Is it me or has everyone fallen into two distinct categories as the holidays approach? One, my personal favorite, is the "my life is absolute perfection and I NEED to tell you all about it complete with accompanying photos" category. The other, which seems to have surfaced right around Thanksgiving, a time when you are supposed to be remembering why you should be grateful for what you do have, is the "my life is so fucking difficult, allow me to bitch and moan incessantly on social media to you" category. While I abhor the show-offs, at least I know that they are full of shit and compensating for what they lack by playing up what little they do have. Usually, it revolves around things and not what's really important, like family and good friends. I can almost feel sorry for them, then I remember how annoying they are and I revert back to my disgust for them and feel better about myself.
The second category has really started to chafe my hide. After stuffing themselves with vast amounts of turkey, stuffing, yams, and enough pie to feed a small army, joined by family and friends, these fuckers are complaining about everything! To be fair, they have been for a while, but it has intensified in the past week. The holidays do bring out the Scrooge in many, but usually even those asswads soften up after spending time with people they love and eating like a hippo who just smoked a bowl. Not so in 2012!!!  What I am witnessing is the biggest bunch of ingrates I have ever encountered in my 41 years of life. People with families, jobs, a roof over their heads, and food in their rounded bellies. It's enough to make me toss my goddamn cookies in their cornflakes.

If you and/or your spouse have jobs that paid for the food you just shoveled down your maw this Thanksgiving, and yet you bitch about how much you ate and how fat you feel, you are a piece of shit. Do you have any idea how many people are out of work this year? Have you watched the news in the past fucking month? The mere fact that you have so much food in your house that you can feel like an elephant today tells me you are pretty goddamn lucky and should be thanking the baby Jesus for your good fortune. The black sweatpants I am sporting today are proof positive that I am fortunate enough to be employed as is my husband. And the fact that I feel like a moose has taken up residence in my gut further proves that I have more than enough to eat. Not everyone does.
Everyday, I see more and more posts bemoaning the fact that you have to go to work today, tomorrow, next Tuesday, whatever.  Really? Should I cry for you now or next Tuesday? Poor you, having to wake up in the morning before heading to your place of employment that pays your fucking bills and keeps you from being homeless. Be thankful not only for having that job but for the physical ability TO work. There are very sick people out there who would love the opportunity to get out of bed and be productive five days per week. Yet, there you are, day in and day out, whining about how early you have to wake up, how cozy your bed is, how your boss sucks ass, on and on. I'm assuming you'd prefer round after round of chemo that leaves you physically sick and completely exhausted and unable to do much of anything BUT stay in that cozy-assed bed of yours that you love so much.

Tell us more about what pains in the asses your kids are, please. How god-awful they behave and how you can't stand having them home during holidays, winter break, summer break, President's Day. Incessant bitching about how you don't get a moment's peace and how they are fighting and giving you a headache. Add to that the fact that they actually want your attention and are looking to you for some form of activity, and this sets you off on a litany of complaints of how your day is ruined, your routine is shot to shit, and you can't do what you want. First, you wanted these kids. You gave birth to them, they are now your responsibility, deal with it. Secondly, and probably more important, are you aware of how many people cannot have children and would kill to have your problems? Are you so selfish that you can't give yourself to your own flesh and blood? Let me drive the point home a little deeper. Do you know how many people have lost their children tragically and would give their kidneys to hear them fighting and slamming doors and saying that they are bored? My own uncle lost his 18 year old daughter in a horrific alcohol-related car accident back when I was twelve. Trust me, he'd still rip his own heart out to have her back. You truly make me sick to my stomach!
One more thing.  Recently, I have seen far too many of you complaining about your parents and I can't keep quiet about it anymore. Never have I seen so many people so easily angered by the people who sacrificed their whole lives for them. The levels of frustration are through the roof and I have no idea what has come over you assholes. Is it too much to ask that you visit them once in a while? Beyond the obligatory holiday functions? Does is physically hurt you to call as often as they ask you to? Does the fact that your dad does nothing but reminisce when he talks to you really make your ears bleed? Can't you join him in his walks down memory lane? Maybe the times when you were a child are among the happiest in his life and he likes reliving them with you. Did you consider that as you were posting about his senility? And is it so difficult for you to take your mom shopping? How many times did she take you shopping when you were young? How many stores did she stop in to look for those fucking Jordache jeans you HAD to have? Short memory? If my mom was still alive I'd take her shopping to every store on the West Coast if she asked even if it took me a week's worth of driving. And, guess what?  I wouldn't utter a single word of complaint about it. I'd offer to take her to more stores instead. Why? Because I'd give anything to have her around and make her smile one more time. Some of you are so easy to hate.
In summation, here's the takeaway from my ranting and raving in your grill. STOP ALL THE FUCKING COMPLAINING! Take a good hard look around you and really see what is right under your nose. Most people have pretty amazing lives and are so busy whining, they don't even notice it...forget about being appreciative for it. If you have a partner, children, a home, a job, and living parents, do the rest of us a favor, and shut the fuck up already. You presently have far more than many folks out there who wouldn't utter a word of complaint if you pointed a gun at their heads. They know how to be grateful for what they have, especially when it is so little. They take nothing for granted and live their lives everyday as though they've been given a precious gift. Can you say the same? Not from what I've been seeing and hearing. Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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