What I find to be worse than just taking to your laptop to express feelings of angst and despair, is the things causing you to feel that way. How exactly does the weather bring you such misery that you need to post almost daily about it? If you happen to live where it snows, you must know that inevitably it will occur and you will have to deal with it. Whining about a lack of school closings in your area only make you sound like a little bitch who melts in the rain. The same people who went to my school with me back in NY and lived through many a snowstorm, these are the whiners who need to publicly lament the fact that their little pampered wusses' school didn't call them the night before to close the schools in preparation for possible snowfall. Ummm, since when do you need to know the night before? The fucking weatherperson isn't even positive what will happen until the day of the actual precipitation. Did you forget how to drive in snow? Do your kids not know how to put on and take off their own boots? Have you completely blocked out your entire childhood???
Holy fucking shit it is cold out...or blazing hot...or humid...or whatever!!! Is this the worst of your problems for today? Cars come with heat and A/C, as do homes, stores, and schools. Don't even get me started on schools closing because of cold weather, I may go completely batshit. We never had air conditioning in school. We managed. None of us died. When the heaters failed, we wore our gloves in class. Shit happens. But let us return to the grownass people who now cannot handle changes in temperature to the point that they need to bemoan it all day and to anyone who will listen. Sweaters, jackets, tank tops, and skirts were all made with extreme temperatures in mind. We all have access to them, we all use them. Yet post after post announcing how fucking cold or how miserably hot it is fill the feeds daily. Should this be your most pressing issue of the day, take a moment to thank your higher power for all your blessings, fucking ingrate.

Many of us have trouble sleeping on a regular basis, but you'd never see me grousing about it on social media. Nor will you see anyone from my IRL circle of friends doing it. We may tell each other in person as a warning for bad attitudes forthcoming, but to announce it publicly, seeking some sort of pity party in response is fucking ridiculous. Being exhausted is part of life, especially for women of a certain age, moms, dads, anyone with a job and responsibilities...we all suffer from some form of sleep deprivation. Join the club, grab a seat and a cup of coffee, and shut the fuck up. Maybe I am a cunt, but I have zero empathy for tired people. I am tired almost all the time, but I carry on because the alternative sucks. Missing out on life's little joys because yawning and craving Starbucks becomes your personal roadblock to happiness seems a complete waste of time. Most of us aren't doing intense manual labor every day, we can plow forward while being tired and not endanger ourselves or anyone else. Shake it off! Stay hydrated and take a deep breath. Now move on.
Traffic, long lines, busy schedules...we all deal with this shit each and every day. Why is it harder for you? So hard, in fact, that you have to scream it from the rooftops and make it your status. What kind of response are you looking for, snowflake? A "that sucks" will somehow make your day easier? Again, I have to ask, do you have friends in the real world? Are there people you speak to in your life that you can actually look in the eye? Those are the folks you can share your day with and not seem insane. When you make every tiny inconvenience the focus of your day, and blast it all over the social media site of your choice, you look weak and stupid. Yet, not only do you do it, others encourage you to do so by responding with all the virtual support they can muster up. Virtual hugs, tsk tsks, tomorrow will be better...ahhh, don't you feel good knowing a bunch of strangers reached out to make your day a wee bit more happy? What a fucking loser! They don't care, they are just following social media protocol. Just as clicking like on all of your friend's photos is "required" on Facebook and Instagram, so is providing emotional support and uplifting comments. The grand majority of it is entirely phony and only to make themselves look kind.
The final offense I'd like to attack is Vaguebooking. I mentioned this at work the other day and found out that while my friends weren't aware of the term, they did notice it and hated it as much as I do. Oh you know what I am talking about, the people who post shit like, "Worst day ever. Some people don't know how to prioritize the people that matter most. I am so done." Hmmm, whatever do you mean? Is this one person in particular? Do I know them? Does anyone? I see now, you dangled a carrot for us to try to bite! Are you looking to have us all pound that post with comments? Waiting for the rest of us to ask who, what happened, are you okay, and offer virtual hugs and chats via messenger...you shameless attention whore! Being coy on Facebook is like exposing cleavage hoping the cute guy at the bar notices your tits and comes over to you with a drink. Look at me!!! I have boobies! There are two things wrong with vaguebooking. One is that you are behaving like an attention-hungry toddler on a very public forum. The other is that it would appear to the rest of us that you have no actual friends with whom to share the negative aspects of your life and receive genuine support and concern. Neither of which is appealing to me or most normal adults on any level.
What you should take away from this critical rambling is that most things in life are simply not that hard; your life is way better than the person who doesn't even mention that they have cancer or some other life-threatening disease; the day to day is just that, not an insurmountable woe-filled challenge; things like the weather are inconsequential in the grand scheme of your life and shouldn't even be that noticeable if you are living your life to the fullest and in the moment; and if you have something in your word that requires advice, validation, assistance, or just an ear...look to the people in your IRL circle, not your entire friend list on social media. Stop being a whiny fucking buffoon. Most people can't stand others who do nothing but complain. You may lose what few friends you actually have. Don't believe me? Keep up the bitching and see what happens. Are you friggin kidding me right now???
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