Thursday, September 6, 2012

Let's talk religion and other taboo subjects!

When I was a child, I was always told there were verboten topics that were not discussed in polite company.  Politics, religion, and sex were the big three.  For years, I'd watch family gatherings, parties, dinners, and noticed that they really were NOT discussed. Even then, I thought it was so ridiculous, given the fact that my opinions on everything else were encouraged as a means for growth and learning.  Yet, these biggies were totally taboo.  Decades later, higher education under my belt, and scads of life experience, I have a whole new perspective on the subject.  Fuck that noise!  Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one and most of them stink like death.  However, because we all have them, we should be entitled to share them freely when the need strikes.
Just because I have told you in the past that your opinions don't matter to me, doesn't mean they don't matter at all.  I have no need for your input into my life, you haven't a fucking clue how to handle me and my issues.  Plus, I don't find you particularly intelligent, so anything you say will be discounted as such.  BUT, there are some that value your insight and you should feel comfortable imparting this wisdom on them, regardless of the topic.  They are your friends for a reason, although I'm not certain what that reason could possibly be.  You clearly share common values and beliefs.  Hell, even if you don't share many, you respect each other enough to tolerate the differences.  Right?!?!
Then let's get rolling, shall we? Hmm, I really enjoy politics, so let's start there.  Way back when we were all 18 and were registering to vote for the first time, we had to make a very important decision.  Would we be Democrats or Republicans?  Back then it seemed like a life-altering choice. We didn't realize that we could change party lines over and over throughout the years.  Not to mention, your affiliation only really affects your voting in primary elections.  After that, it's a fucking free for all. Our voting decisions should be based upon who we believe to be the better candidate. Doing the research, and learning about these folks to determine who has similar beliefs and who has a platform that claims to fix what we think is broken in our country. None of that has to do with political party.
Yes, you can say that Republicans are conservative and Democrats are liberal. And really, there's nothing like gross generalizations when choosing the next President of the United States. Voting strictly along party lines is for feeble-minded dumbshits.  All this tells me is that you can't be bothered to do your homework and learn a little something about the candidates.  It's called making an informed decision, but you opted out of that, didn't you?  In all likelihood, you are the same political affiliation as your parents were, and you didn't question that, either.  You just followed tradition blindly.  Yet, the US government allows you to participate in the voting process that determines who will run our country. Holy shit, what a fucking oversight! This scares the living shit out of me.
Religion is a great topic!  People avoid it like the plague, but not me.  No siree BOB!  I'm diving in and splashing around like a toddler wearing big Thomas the Tank floaties.  What religion do you believe in, if any? Scared yet? Most people are...they fear rejection based on the answer to that simple question.  Do you really hand out a questionnaire to potential friends and base your compatibility on the answer to it? Sick motherfucker. I grew up Roman Catholic. I've since lapsed, meaning I don't really go to church anymore.  It doesn't change what I believe. I have some friends who attended Catholic schools with me and have since converted to Judaism.  More power to them!  They've found something to believe in that gives them comfort and meaning. Excellent. I have Muslim friends, Lutherans (although I really don't get the concept), Protestant friends...and it doesn't matter to me one iota.
But, ask an atheist how they feel about those of us who have faith in something they don't understand and see their reaction.  That's all it is, really.  They don't have the capability to understand believing what you cannot see or touch or measure. Here's the main difference between them and those of us who are a part of an organized religion...we don't care about the fact that they aren't. Flip that coin and ask them what their opinion of us is and you'll get a whole host of insults about our intelligence, shared links about science proving the Bible wrong, and just an ass load of pooh poohing our beliefs.  Glad to hear that atheism has made you a much nicer human being. I've not tried to prove anything to you. Notice I haven't knocked on your door selling salvation, have I?  Because I don't care what you do.
That's a whole other ball of wax, isn't it?  The fucking Jehovah's Witnesses and Jews for Jesus that insist on knocking at my door, always at an inopportune moment, trying to convert me.  My daughter likes to yell, "Hail Satan!" at them, and usually scares the pants off of at least half of them. I've told them that I'm Wiccan and about to perform a ritual sacrifice, and that usually ends the conversation.  But try to be honest with them and tell one of these douchebags that I am Roman Catholic, and thank you, but no.  This opens up a whole discussion about how their beliefs are better.  Better? What the fuck? How can a belief be better? It's just like an opinion, it's neither right nor wrong. Guess nobody told them.  I'll have to just revert back to telling them I'm a witch and boiling the neighbor's kitten and can they get back to me another time.
SEX. Loaded word, means more than one thing and causes many to snicker when it is spoken out loud. Why? Well, starting with the fact that we all are still teenagers under the skin and the same things that made us laugh in 10th grade still send us into fits. But, what really sets people off about this word, is the vastly differing opinions about what is right or wrong concerning it. What could possibly be wrong? Sex could just mean gender. Male or female. Nothing touchy about that. Maybe you are talking about the process of human reproduction.  Yeah, you wouldn't be here without it, so don't blush like a fucking schoolgirl. Or, perhaps we are referring to sexual orientation and preferences.  Mother of Mercy, she went there!!!  Yes, I did.

Nothing makes me sicker than people who discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. I don't judge your bedroom antics, don't stand in judgement of someone else's.  It's none of your goddamn business who someone loves.  It doesn't affect you.  I am all for healthy, mutually respectful, loving relationships.  I don't care which permutation of gender combination it may be, as long as they are happy, rock on. All you are doing when you bash someone on that basis is waving a huge flag that tells us you are lacking confidence in your own sexuality and that your are a gigantic mouth breathing window licker. Don't you dare use religion to back your small-minded slanderous opinions either.  No religion supports being cruel to another human being. Cock-knocker!
Fetishes are a-ok with me, too.  You want a whipping, step right up.  Enjoy feet?  Suck a toe or two. Feel like wearing the clothing of the opposite sex?  Own that shit and rock your look. As long as you aren't involving the innocent in your fantasy life, I support you 110%. If you are into children or animals, I'll have to rip your head off and shit down your neckhole. Otherwise, do what makes you happy and fuck anyone who has the balls to cluck disapprovingly. Their lack of acceptance means two things to me.  Either they aren't getting any, or they are just unhappy people who want company. They can both kiss my white ass.
So, if you have opinions, share them...just not with me, I didn't ask you for them.  If I had, you'd know it.  No topic should be taboo.  Keeping things under wraps only causes undue stress and leads to speculation and misinformation. Let's create safe forums to discuss what's really important.  We feel completely free to gossip and bash others publicly and behind the their backs.  Why can't we talk about crucial shit as easily? I, for one, am going to start voicing my stand on a variety of topics.  Like I haven't already!  Now, it's time for you to join me.  I promise I won't criticize you for sharing.  Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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