Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pajamas at the supermarket...is it so hard to get dressed?

The other day while walking across the parking lot at Lucky's, my family and I all noticed this guy at pretty much the same time.  An older dude decked out in his red plaid pajama bottoms, matching red t-shirt, red socks, and slip-ons.  My daughter and I laughed out loud and then composed ourselves enough to just snicker.  Sadly, I couldn't contain myself for long, and started laughing so hard, I had tears streaming down my face. The only way for me to stop was to run through the store after him and snap his photo using my iPhone. Immature, maybe.  Mean, probably. Entertaining, hell yes! The main reason I did it was for all of you.  I wanted to share my laughter with you. Wasn't that generous of me?  My husband thought it wasn't very nice of me, but really, do you care? Didn't think so.  You want to see the fashion fuck up, too!
It's not just pajamas that have made their way out in public.  Truly, I can almost understand wearing pajama bottoms all day long. They are comfortable as all hell. Some are awfully damned cute and could possibly pass for pants. Others, and you know the ones, the kitty-cat, cupcake, lollipop, rainbow kind? Those should never leave your house. Men, the brightly colored, obviously pajama-plaid, same rule applies. In reality, all nightwear should stay home. I don't want to see something you are likely to be going commando while wearing. Ladies, you know why.  And men, freeballing may feel good, but we can see your twig and giggleberries when you do.  It's fucking gross. Dangling junk is never attractive.

Varying forms of dance/workout wear should stay indoors and in their appropriate settings. Strolling into Starbucks wearing yoga pants and a sports bra is just nasty. Many reasons, but certain ones come to mind more vividly. Yoga pants without a long top look atrocious on almost everyone but dancers. Usually they not only have the bodies to sport such an outfit, but they also know the proper undergarment to wear WITH the skin tight pants. They've had years of practice avoiding VPL and camel toe. You are not only bulging in all the wrong places, but your vag may as well have a flashing neon sign on it saying, "MOOSE KNUCKLE ALERT, AVERT YOUR GAZE!" Sports bras are meant for under your workout wear.  They aren't a type of shirt and shouldn't be used as one. The women who wear them as such are also usually either flat-chested or require something more industrial-strength to haul up the water bottles they call tits. Wear a friggin t-shirt.
In the summer, we all love spending time at the pool. Nothing is more relaxing than lounging poolside, drink in hand, good book open, and a gentle breeze floating over your body. I get that. I can relate to running out of your favorite beverage and the need to run to the store to replenish the supply.  Throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank top appears to be a thing of the past these days. No longer do we care about being in the public eye. This is why I have seen ladies pushing shopping carts wearing see-through tiny sarongs over their barely-there bikinis. If you are someone who can wear a bikini and not have spill-over, bust-out, sparks shooting out from the thigh friction, or exposed crotch-fro...it may not be quite as offensive to the eye.  But no, the women doing this commit all of those crimes and more.  Blinding me and those around them, they strut around like fucking bunnies on the Playboy Ranch.  You bitches are killing me slowly.
Going back to workout wear, which I have no issue with if you are going to or coming from the gym. What does make me laugh at you, is when you are wearing it while having no intention of breaking a sweat. Did you think the rest of us couldn't tell? When your hair is immaculately coiffed, you've applied your makeup with a trowel, are wearing tons of jewelry, and have taken a whore's bath in your favorite drugstore perfume, we know you are full of shit. Likely, you've never seen the inside of a gym or yoga studio. Of course, there are the even dumber shits who wear flip flops or sparkly sandals with the fancy workout gear solidifying my opinion that you are just a poser in track pants.  You can dress for comfort without looking stupid, and you look fucktarded.
Nobody is telling you to dress for the prom every damn day.  I certainly don't, why would I expect more from you? I'm not even saying you need to iron or sport business casual when you go to 7-11, because, Lord knows I've been known to throw on ripped jeans and an oversized A's sweatshirt to run errands. Hell, I may even wear that outfit to work, maybe substituting the torn jeans with ones sans air conditioning. Wear whatever makes you happy, I'm all for rocking a look.  My daughter is pierced and I have tattoos, I won't judge your form of expression.  I will point and laugh when you commit grotesque fashion faux pas in my line of vision.  I may even snap a pic with my phone if you make tears stream down my leg.  Ladies who have given birth, you know what I mean. All I am asking is that you take a look in the mirror BEFORE you leave the house. God gave you common sense...exercise it more often. Don't expect me to keep quiet when you don't. Are you friggin kidding me right now???

1 comment:

  1. Why are you worried about what others are wearing? All you need to worry about is yourself. People wear pajamas to the supermarket because they don't care what critical people (like you) think. "Dangling junk is gross" is an opinion. Plus, nobody is able to tell if you are going commando unless you look directly at it because it's not noticeable. It's not gross, it's actually the opposite, it improves blood circulation and air flow. So, stop trying to change how people wear clothes and only worry about how you dress.
