Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Society is going to hell in a handbasket!

After chatting with a very good friend of mine about yet another high school scandal in the past two days, we both wanted to know the same thing. What the fuck is wrong with people? One school had a coach who solicited sex on an online classified ad site, posting multiple photos of his junk. The other school "boasted" a teacher/student school-year long relationship, busted by her dad catching them in the act of making the beast with two backs in his car.  After beating these two newsworthy stories to death, we were left to wonder, what has our country become? Who are these people, and what kind of parenting causes these types of humans to develop? My ideas rambled on almost maniacally in a text, "Poor parenting, double income households leading to guilt and over-indulgence, absent parents during crucial time periods, having too much too soon and looking for more." I'm not always eloquent, but I never hold anything back. This time was no different.

Confident that I am not alone in feeling this way, I have to use today for some personal venting. Kids today don't have a prayer of growing up emotionally healthy or ready to face the world as adults. With parents who raise children based on their own feelings of guilt and inadequacy, how can these future grown ups learn how to cope with things like disappointment and delayed gratification? They want it and they want it now. Parents today bend over backwards to make sure their kids get it. Fearful of damaging their child's fragile ego, they provide a buffer for anything negative their kids may encounter. Ensuring they have the correct brand of jeans or sneakers, attacking a teacher who had the balls to give that child a C, or calling another parent when their child didn't receive a birthday party invitation. If all you can afford is Target, that's too goddamn bad. At least your child isn't naked. If your child didn't study or do the work that was expected, they EARNED that C, the teacher didn't GIVE it to them. Maybe your kid is an asshole...assholes don't get invited to parties. Or, just as simple an explanation, the birthday boy was only allowed to invite a handful of children and he invited his best friends. Sorry, Danny is not one of them.

Having a crush on a teacher is a normal part of being a teenager. Young male teachers who are so gung-ho and show more interest in students than many of the veteran educators, often provide high school girls with enough fantasy material to last all four years. But that is where it should end, in the realm of a teenage girl's daydreams. Teachers are fucking authority figures. Any abuse of that authority is unacceptable. Abuse isn't only bullying or instilling fear in the students. It can just as easily mean using your status to convince a girl or boy that having a sexual relationship with an adult is perfectly fine. Using your perceived importance in the lives of children to make them feel "special" and somehow want to please you is wrong...or, allowing them to feel like they are your equal. I feel as though the teachers who abuse their position have issues that are two-fold. They are the product of guilt-ridden parenting who allowed them to develop a gigantic sense of entitlement. That is definitely clear. The other issue is that they know, they are truly aware of the lack of self-confidence these young men and ladies have from their experiences with rotten parents. They know and they use it to their advantage.

My question about society goes way beyond high school scandals. Why in the year 2013 do we even need to argue the definition of marriage? Who gives anyone the right to choose who another can or cannot love and spend the rest of their lives with...or are we not past the concept of arranged marriages? When did a person's junk become the criteria for who they are permitted to love? Aside from pedophilia and bestiality, love should not have limitations or rules. Marriage is a contract entered into by two people who love each other exclusively, want to spend the rest of their lives together, and publicly acknowledge these facts. I'd love to live long enough to see the day when their genitals don't dictate who they can love, rather it be the bond between their souls which draws and joins them together. I'd like my daughter to raise her children in a world where "Gay Marriage" is no longer necessary terminology. Marriage will be a privilege enjoyed by all, and all the rights that accompany it. I may have plagiarized my own Facebook status from yesterday, but who better to steal from than me? 

How is it that we live in a world where people don't care who they step on to get what they want? Where someone would rather step over you, laughing, while you lie on the sidewalk clutching your chest, than stop to help or simply call 911? A country where bullying is so prevalent and insidious, our children don't want to go to school or worse, prefer death to life?  Children should never feel so hopeless that suicide seems to be the only option! We are surrounded by people who push their way into lines, cut you off on the road, and let the door slam on old ladies. We are just as surrounded by the children of these same people...children they've taught by words and example how to behave like fucking buffoons. Children who will one day be teachers, police officers, doctors, or God forbid, the President of the United States. Children who bring their skewed view of others, their sense of entitlement, and their discourteous nature to their future professions. Is this the environment in which we want to grow old? This is the kind of thing that scares the shit out of me. 

Personally, I am disgusted with the future outlook. If something doesn't change...and change quickly, our lives are spinning down the shitter, and there isn't a goddamn thing we can do about it. Parents, wake the fuck up!!! You all reminisce about the good old days, but do you remember them well enough to recall what they were like? Do you remember how strict your parents were and how they actually had rules you HAD to follow? How things were simple and basic courtesy was expected from wasn't a fucking choice.  Get with the program and start having expectations for your children. Demand accountability for their actions. Model appropriate behavior and they will follow suit. Stop being such pompous, self-serving ass clowns and make your parents proud. Trust me, they are hanging their heads in shame. Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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