Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Keep to the right, and other rules you insist upon breaking.

Keep to the right.  That's not too hard, is it?  Walk on a busy sidewalk out here on the Left Coast and tell me what you see.  People are walking directly at other people because they've decided to make their own lanes. Just like driving here in the good old US of A, walking requires you to keep right to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.  Yet, I see those who have chosen to pretend they are in England and walk on the left and right into my face.  Get the fuck out of my way.  Plain and simple.  If you notice you are quickly approaching someone with a crash imminent, move!  I'll bet you're on the freaking left!  Along those lines, walking four or five abreast is just plain rude and you know it.  Two across is the unwritten maximum for pedestrian safety.  It's almost impossible to carry on a conversation with someone who is 3-4 bodies away from you, so what's the purpose in walking like the Jets approaching the Sharks to rumble?  It's not West Side Story and you aren't in a gang.  Walk in pairs, it's how God meant it to be...think of the Ark then next time you are compelled to stretch out across the the entire sidewalk preventing the rest of us from passing you.
There are unwritten rules in our society and you must follow them, it's not a choice.  Let's discuss the "I go, you go" rule, shall we?  When you are at a 4-way stop, take turns.  I go, you go.  Not follow the leader till someone is kind enough to stop and allow people going in the other directions to have a turn.  Where the hell did you learn how to drive?  Maybe it's because you took the driving test in Korean?  There are no excuses for being rude, and not taking turns is rude as hell.  Should we check with your kindergarten teacher to see if she neglected to teach that lesson?
Following the thought of taking turns, how about waiting your turn?  When you are at Costco and the store d'oeuvres are tempting you to dash to each and every table for a bite to eat, slow down.  Chances are, there's an actual line formed and you are obligated to go the END of it.  Don't pretend you don't speak English or have no knowledge of this rule while you jump in front of me.  I may want some redneck dim sum, too.  Samples are just that, they aren't a means to buck the welfare system and feed your gigantic family.  You chose to breed like a rabbit, buy your children food.  Undoubtedly, you are the same person who will walk right in front of me while I am waiting in line at a department store, a movie theater, or anywhere else a formal line exists.  When I make a nasty comment about being invisible or you being a moron, don't ignore me.  Apologize for being an ass and make your way behind me where you belong.
Another one that sticks in my craw, is the blatant dismissal of the "out before in" rule.  Whether it be an elevator or the front door of Starbucks, the person leaving goes first.  Almost every day I am faced with some asshole in a rush to go nowhere who will nearly plow me down as I am leaving a store.  I'm sorry, did you not see me?  I may not be a Sasquatch, but I'm no wallflower.  You had to notice me opening the door making my egress.  The person leaving has already completed their business and so has the right of way.  I promise you I won't dilly dally in the doorway, I walk fairly fast.  But dammit, it's my turn not yours.
Speaking of doors, how hard is it to hold the fucking thing for a few seconds for the person behind you?  Are you so important or busy that you've completely forgotten your manners?  I'm sure your mother taught you this one.  Nothing is more frustrating than approaching a door a few steps behind someone else and having it slam in your face right as you reach the doorway because some jackass dropped it instead of holding it open.  For Christ's sake, this is the eptiome of disrespect.  Especially when you do it to me.  I know it's 2012, but I'm still a woman and as such, I'd like you to show me proper respect.  Hell, I'm a human being and I don't like the door slammed in my face!
I'm noticing a trend here...many of these offense involve some form of walking.  So, on that note, what is supposed to happen at a green arrow?  I know, I know!  The car in that lane gets to make a turn!  That's what is supposed to happen...yet some ass clown will inevitably pull the pedestrian card and start walking across the street as you are in the process of making that very legal turn.  What the fuck?! Do you have a death wish?  Maybe you see my Lexus and assume I must have great insurance, let's do the accident dance.  Learn the rules of the road, even if you are walking, you HAVE to follow them.
Holy hell, another walking offense.  I only really notice this when I am on vacation, but it isn't to say that it doesn't happen all year and all over the country.  If you see someone with a camera poised to take a photo, walk behind them.  Common courtesy tells us that we are not welcome in a stranger's photo so we probably shouldn't walk in front of their camera. So many people just trot themselves right in front of someone's lens as though it's perfectly fine to either join in the fun or interrupt them rudely. Good Lord!  These are also the same people that will walk right between a couple walking together.  If people have chosen to walk together, it's for a reason.  Sometimes it's companionship, plain and simple; sometimes it's because they are going to the same place and would like to arrive together; maybe they are trying to locate a place and are assisting each other along the journey.  Whatever the reason, walk the fuck around them. If that same couple was sitting together on a train, would you squeeze your ass between them?  I hope to hell you wouldn't!
Let's stay outside for one more moment and talk about assigned parking.  I live in a planned development where owners are assigned a parking spot.  We PAY for the privilege of having this covered place to park.  For the rest of you, there is guest parking and street parking.  It completely frosts my cookies to come home from work to find some butt munch parked in MY spot.  Short of going door to door in order to find you, I'm stuck either seeking out alternative parking or leaning on my horn in the hopes you hear it and realize the error of your ways.  You never do, though.  Lucky for me, my daughter loves composing nasty little notes to leave on your window.  Unlucky for you, I've since contacted the management company who has informed, no scratch that, encouraged me to call the towing company to have your ass removed.  Next time, I will.
One more thing...cover your goddamn mouth when you sneeze.  There is something so disgusting about a grown ass person sneezing out into my atmosphere without even attempting to block the spray of spit and snot.  There is never going to be a time when I want your filthy germs.  EVER.  I work very hard at not getting sick.  All I am asking you to do is cover your gaping maw when you sneeze.  When it happens in a restaurant, and it does, I always scream directly at the offender, "Are you friggin kidding me right now???"


1 comment:

  1. Lori MD, your FB buddyJuly 5, 2012 at 6:02 AM

    Chris, I'm sooooo on board w/ everything here! In NYC, I have to admit the Tourists are the biggest annoyance & violators of all!!! Talk about making your own rules, in another country no less. Hogging up the sidewalks, stopping to talk but not "pulling over to the side", & yes, they like to take pictures -during morning/evening Rush Hour times....but here's what they do....they stand against a wall of Macy's & the photographer stands way back by the curb! Hello???? Can you leave at least 1/2 the sidewalk for people to continue the flow of madness to get into work on time!!! Overall, loved this article Chris. Totally relate to it all. LOL
