As if 2020 didn't suck enough, society has turned on itself. Everyone is mad at someone or some group, like we don't have enough to deal with right now. We are living out Revelations and all you can think about is who doesn't see things your way. From the dawn of time, people have been different. If they hadn't been, nothing new could have been invented. We'd still be the Flintstones, barefoot and wearing animal skins. Yet something about being in crisis mode has brought out the worst in our country. I am aware that stress is processed differently by each individual. Trust me, I have my own ridiculous coping mechanisms gone haywire that even my meds don't fix. But I can assure you that I am not taking it out on my neighbors.
This year we have a lot at stake. It's an election year, in the middle of a pandemic, during battles over racial inequality, in the midst of riots and looting. Damn right we are all under a fuckton of stress! If you aren't, I'm worried about your ability to understand the severity of the situation we find ourselves in today. That being said, we are all doing the best we can under the circumstances. So why can't we all just get along? Why do the stupidest things matter during a time when we are all at risk for a deadly disease? You'd think that the Rona would be the great equalizer. The virus doesn't care if you are Irish or Congolese. It won't discriminate against you no matter who you vote for this November. Hell, it doesn't know your political party affiliation and it doesn't give a ripe fuck.
Here comes something I never thought I'd say, but why can't we all be a little more like Covid-19? You don't have to tell me how ridiculous that sounds, I know. But let's look at it a little more closely. Does the virus only target Filipino Democrats who live in the Northeast? Is it actively seeking Black Republican CEOs? Does it even care if you call it a hoax and whisper to your friends that it's all a conspiracy to deflect our attention away from the election? My point, and I do have one, is that we are all guilty of finger-pointing and being Judgmental Judys about how everyone is doing everything. Not the Rona, it loves us all the same.
If we all just focused on our own selves and spent time making sure that we were doing the right thing, much of this shit would all fall into place properly. Tensions are high, our reactions are quick and not thought through. The second someone from another group does something inappropriate and reactionary, we immediately place everyone in that group in the persona non grata category and rage against them. Repeat after me, not all of the people in any given group are inherently bad. Not every person in any category is evil. Do some of them do horrific and unforgivable things? Absofuckinglutely! But some of y'all are taking guilt by association to a whole other level.
Let's summarize, shall we? Keep yourself and your family safe. Be mindful when you vote, reflect on your conscience instead of simply following party lines. Every single human on this planet is your brother or sister, treat them as such. No one is better than anybody else, not even you. We all want a vaccine and a cure for the Rona. Everyone wants to go back to work and I know the kids want to go back to school. There is strength in numbers, so let's work on being the UNITED States of America again. Lose the negativity and band together to make this world a better place for our children. They deserve nothing less. Are you frigging kidding me right now???