Saturday, January 31, 2015

Would You Rather I Lie???

At this point, I'm starting to believe the world has become a little too sensitive a place for me. Everyone is offended by something. People can't just be. They look for shit about which to get upset. It's beyond political correctness, which is utter bullshit and I do not subscribe to that nonsense. Policeman, waitress...what's the big fucking deal? But it has gone miles past that. If I post on Facebook that it isn't a wailing wall and that if you had a problem so serious that you needed support, perhaps you should contact a friend rather than seeking virtual hugs from virtual strangers...and you should see yourself and become irreparably hurt, take a moment to think about why you do. It's not me you're mad at, it's you. You saw what an ass you are. But, in true 'Murican form, you get offended. You get butt hurt. Filled with righteous indignation, you launch a smear campaign against me right on my wall. Hmm. Who's the asshole here?

That's just one true example from my life this week. But people are so quick to become agitated over the littlest thing. If I say that I believe all children should be vaccinated before being admitted into schools, and you are a staunch anti-vaxxer...we disagree. To become angry at me for not sharing your belief is moronic. Feeling like I've attacked you personally is fucktarded. However, this is the state of the union as it exists today, January 31, 2015. Everyone feels personally attacked by honesty. I don't have to believe what you believe for us to coexist peacefully. That's a fact. You think that anyone who isn't like you is wrong and therefore, flies in the face of what is supposedly right in your little world, upsetting you enough to require a little extra anti-anxiety meds today. Why? Why is it so important that we all agree, that we all feel the same way about everything? And if we don't, which is normal as hell, why does is bother you so damned much?

"OMG, I saw Bitchface O'Toole's post today and I was so offended by her obvious distaste for ethnic food." You were offended? Please tell me how her food choices affect you directly. Right. You can't because they don't. The same holds true for most things you hear and read. Most of what goes on in the world doesn't affect you even slightly. My opinions shouldn't either. They are mine, and mine alone. I have to live with them. I have to deal with how my life rolls as a result of them. Sometimes, my life is unchanged by them. Crazy, right? Like, if I say that people who use derogatory terms for gay people are giant assholes, my life is exactly the same. Why? Because I don't use those terms, and so, I continue along my merry little way, untouched by those who do. Your behavior may irk me. I may even write about it, never naming you directly because I'm not ten years old, but in the long haul, it doesn't matter one fucking bit what you do. Unless you take it to my face or my house. It should be the same for you. Sadly, it is not.

Speaking your mind, it's a constitutional right. As long as you aren't shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theatre or threatening the President, you have a right to say what you are thinking. People who sugar coat the truth out of fear of hurting someone's delicate little feelings are just as bad as the person who can't take hearing the truth. It is what it is. It's about time we stop worrying and start living. Why lie constantly to shield others from reality? Is the real world that bad? Can we possibly have become a tad too soft in our old age? We were tougher back in our youth. We could dish it out as well as take it. And remain friends with that person! What the fuck happened? Forget about the fact that we are raising a generation of veals. Veals who can't handle life. Who have zero coping skills for disappointment. Life is generally not that hard. I'm not saying there aren't challenges along the way. But for the most part, we all go about our day-to-day without serious incident. So why can't you handle the truth? What changed from the time we were kids till now?

I'll tell you. You had your own kids and decided that the world sucked, was unfair, dangerous, and out to get you and your family. You got soft. I can't even look at you. Especially you, the people with whom I grew up. The kids I played with and went to school with are turning into paranoid, hypersensitive, easily offended, and self righteous ass wads. What happened to you? Why does everything bother you so much? Opinions are like assholes, remember? We all have them. Suddenly it's a bad thing to express one? We should keep everything bottled up inside, put on a fake-ass smile, and pretend to agree with everyone we meet? Oh, hell no. I refuse. I will not be forced to become a character in the movie that is my life. If you ask me if I think your skirt makes you look fat and you look like a Freak Show character, I'm going to tell you. Maybe not in those words, but I'm not going to lie. Why should I? That wouldn't make me a very good friend if I let you wander the streets looking like Two-Ton Tessie. Nor do I want to have to block every asshole on my Facebook feed because they may get an emotional owie from something I've said.

Grow the fuck up. It's not always about you. Not everything everyone says is a direct reflection of you and your life choices. As a matter of fact, most people, when expressing themselves on a variety of topics, aren't even thinking about you. You aren't that important. I'm sorry but it had to be said. However, I'm not sorry if your feelings are hurt. Reactions to life are a choice. We can't inflict emotion on anyone. You own those. Getting pissed off is something you choose to do, not something I make you. That's some serious food for thought. Don't go choking on it. Take small bites and really digest it. It may be your most important meal of the day. Stop being so goddamn sensitive. Stop thinking everything you hear and read is about you. Stop jumping to conclusions. Stop taking life so personally. You may want to edit yourself all day long and asphyxiate on your own bullshit, but I don't. And I won't. Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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