Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bay Area drivers suck.  I said it, I mean it.  You can rant on and on about New York , New Jersey till you are blue in the face.  Bad drivers are created right here in California!  Each and every time I get behind the wheel, regardless of the music I choose, I know I am gonna be stressed out.  Basic rules of consideration go flying out the window in my neck of the woods.  I'd swear on a stack of bibles that most drivers here are intentionally spiteful.  If you see my signal on the freeway, you can safely assume I'd like to get over.  Ah yes, you not only assume that I do, but you then go into jerk mode and decide it would be oodles of fun to ride me until I almost miss my exit.  The thing is, I think I may understand why you react that way.  You have no freaking idea what the signal is used for...you don't use the damn thing!  Oh, I know you believe that if you suddenly brake really, really hard I'll know that you are about to make a turn.  All it does it place my heart firmly in my throat and piss me off.  Somehow, I think you know that.  Somehow, I believe you intend to do that.  Malice aforethought, as they say in the world of law.
And before I forget, there are only THREE colors on a traffic light.  My apologies to those of you who sit there behind a green light waiting for something different, like hot pink.  The truth of the matter is, you are on your damned phone!  I see you.  You are texting or carrying on a conversation without benefit of a frigging blue tooth device.  You are also breaking the law.  Lucky for you, I am not a cop.  Unlucky for you, I love my horn.  I have no problem honking as loud and long as I can, possibly causing you to crap yourself.  It works for me.  Expect it.  You don't, and as a result, I piss you off.  Are you frigging kidding me right now???


  1. People who don't use turn signals are a pet peeve of mine, as are folks such as the one I was behind recently, blinking left but pulling over to the curb - on the right!
    As for the traffic light, I like to yell out: "It's not getting any greener than that!"

  2. I always thought NJ drivers sucked? I find that most people that drive near me suck.
