Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Double Standard in the Media: Enough of the sexist bullshit!

In today's news, outcry over this commercial (seen at the bottom of this post), touting it as "offensive and disgusting" is one of the top stories on my news station. Are you fucking kidding me right now? When women wear next to nothing on many TV commercials and/or fellate their fingers while eating a goddamn burger, that isn't offensive? When the media stops objectifying women and the viewing public stops accepting it and enjoying it, then and only then can we be outraged about fully dressed men shaking their asses like bells to a Christmas song! These men are wearing more clothing in this commercial than the Victoria's Secret Angels who do nothing but flounce around and pose seductively like mindless whores.

By the way, Vicki's Secret,  who are you marketing to exactly? I buy my own bras since they have to actually fit my boobs...therefore requiring a regular fitting and actually trying them on in the store. 
Does Carl's Jr. think that men will eat more of their hamburgers if they see a woman licking the drippings off of her fingers as though they were a leaky schlong? Because on the flip side, they give us a lumberjack eating like a fucking slob, causing us to run for our Tide Stain Sticks from force of habit with our husbands who also eat like this poor schmo. And, it doesn't make me hungry or crave a burger in the least. 

When are the television media execs going to realize that women spend the most money after watching commercials and we hold the key to the family's bank account? Showing us scantily clad women acting like brainless skanks doesn't make us open our wallets and start forking over cash. I have an idea, entertain us with a memorable jingle that we are going to hum later on in the day. If you can't do that, if your level of creativity has sunk so low, then prove to us that your product is far superior to all the others on the market. We have brains and educations and would like to be treated like rational, thinking human beings. Can you give that a whirl? I know, just as doubtful as Santa finding his way down my chimney this Christmas. Are you friggin kidding me right now???

In the meantime, enjoy this hilarious commercial!!!

A grand start to our holiday season!!! 

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