Monday, February 25, 2013

You might be insane

Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Based on that, I can say with all confidence that my cat is insane. Even without that definition, I may have said the same about her. What baffles the shit out of me is how many of you would also fit that definition. The question I have for you is WHY? Why do you insist on repeating the same mistakes? Do you really believe that repetition will sway things in your direction? If you trip every time you wear flip flops, why do I still see you wearing them? Do you like face-planting on a regular basis? My guess is that you do or you'd change your goddamn shoes. Of course, if I say something to you about it, I'm the crazy one. I may be crazy, but I don't wear shoes that make me fall.

People who can't seem to get out of debt yet won't change their spending habits make me laugh. Don't cry to me that you don't have enough money to go out when I see you buying yet another tech item or fancy pair of pants. Do I look as fucktarded as your behavior? With the state of the current economy, many of us are in the same boat. We aren't making quite as much as we used to and so have had to cut back in several areas of our lives. Those of us with a functioning brain know that this means cutting back on frivolous spending. I've noticed that many of you don't know what constitutes frivolity. Things that are not necessary for basic survival are considered frivolous.  I'm not saying to cut out all forms of recreation, you'd really go nuts, and we have enough loons out there without you adding yourself to the list. But how about switching from shopping at Nordstrom's to enjoying the lower prices at Old Navy? Perhaps you can brew your own coffee instead of making the folks at Starbucks richer at your expense? Or continue to cry about your lot in life while carrying that brand-new Louis Vuitton...dumbass.

Do tell me again how you are fighting the battle of the bulge with that venti, five pump, full-fat milk, cinnamon dolce latte in your fat little fingers. Yes, I can see how it would be difficult for you to drop some poundage. Oh yes, you do try so hard, eating those 2,400 calorie taco salads for lunch instead of a healthy sandwich. I know it sucks to be heavier than you'd like. I'm there right now. I'm not complaining because I know I am there of my own doing. You, on the other hand, think that  a pound of pasta for dinner is perfectly fine as long as you throw some broccoli on it. I see. So, if there's a bit of greenery, the whole dish is lo-cal. The scary thing is, you've been eating like this since I have known you. Always on a diet and waiting for Jesus to come and remove the pounds through the power of prayer, I suppose? Haven't you noticed that if you keep eating the same shit, your size doesn't decrease? Maybe you don't know the difference between healthy and hype. Pounding down three or four 100 calorie packs of wafer thin cookies is not helping your waistline. You won't stop, though, will you? Waiting for empty calories to finally mean zero calories, you'll keep making those dietary mistakes, and moaning about your fat ass. I'll just rock mine for a little while longer, while you cry in your beer.

Aw, do your kids show you no respect? Gee whiz! Are you still negotiating with them regarding things about which they have no choice?  Might you still be asking instead of telling when you are giving a directive? Do you end every fucking request with the mind-numbing "ok?" like they have a choice to tell you no, it's most certainly not ok with me? I know, I know!  You've forgotten who the parent is in that relationship! It's the only logical reason I can come up with to justify the pansy-ass way you deal with your out-of-control children. Why else would you let them run rough shod all over your fucking ass rather than taking them in hand and letting them know who is the boss in your house? Perhaps it's fear that they won't like you anymore. Psst, come closer, I have secret to tell you. Your job isn't to make them like you, it's to effectively raise your child to become a functioning and respectful member of society. Fucking moron!  You didn't give birth to your bestie, you pushed out your child, the person who depends on you to make sure they aren't a bratty, entitled fucktard.

People only treat you the way you allow them to, and when you don't speak up, the abuse continues. When you whine and bitch about the fact that your significant other doesn't respect you, and you still don't demand it, my level of sympathy drops to a negative number. If he leaves the toilet seat up and you constantly put it down, he is not going to take the hint that you want HIM to do it. He is going to think it's YOUR job. When she blasts the TV, giving you yet another migraine, and you retreat to the bedroom to escape the noise, she doesn't know that the onus is on her to lower the fucking volume. Open your yap and tell her to lower the goddamn volume because you don't want another headache! When you continue to repeat the same passive-aggressive patterns, you are only hurting yourself. Their behavior isn't going to change and you will still be pissed off. Say something already! Jesus H. Christ, are you insane?

I'm not a psychiatrist, but I play one on the internet. Actually, I don't claim to be anything but smarter than you. I've laid the groundwork for your self-improvement. It's on you to pick up where I've left off and fix yourself. Stop banging your head against the wall expecting the next time to not hurt. Common sense can't be learned, it must be practiced. Start practicing, ass clown! Wouldn't you rather have NO reasons to complain? I'd much prefer being happy than insane. Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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