No, really, shut the fuck up. I think I've had all I can possibly take from people and their bitching, whining, and griping to last a goddamn lifetime...and I am done. Is life really that hard? Tell the truth. Because if you say yes, and you don't have cancer, aren't beaten by your spouse, have a decent job, and a roof over your're an asswipe. Life has its trials and tribulations, I am totally aware of that. Some days are shittier than others, some are just peachy, neato, keeno. 'Tis the nature of the beast. Life is a fickled bitch, and she does what she wants, when she wants. And you know what, that is perfectly fine. You'd never appreciate the good days if you didn't have a sprinkling of bad. But you don't appreciate anything. You would take the joy out of a fucking newborn. There's not a thing you can't piss all over. Why? What's made you so crusty? Did your mommy not love you enough?
Tell me how is a cold ruining your day? Seriously, how can snot wreck an entire 24 hour period? The powerful and mighty Mucosa! Look out, it's infiltrating nostrils everywhere! Certainly, you can't function when you have a stuffy nose, now can you? Your legs stop working, your eyes no longer see, it actually renders you paralyzed. Oh, it doesn't? Then why the hell do you make it sound like you were hit by a fucking truck while on roller skates every time you sneeze? Relax your sack, it's simply a basic virus. Not deadly, and certainly not incapacitating. Feel free to stop posting about it non-stop on social media. We really don't give a rat's furry little ass. In reality, most of us are laughing at you, even if we've wished you well and told you to feel better. Inside, we are mocking the fuck out of you and your wussy whining.
Life is filled with stuff we have to do rather than want to do. Even stuff for which we haven't planned, like flat tires, toilets overflowing, long lines at the supermarket, traffic...loads of totally un-fun shit. But, your reaction to them, that's a choice. No one forces you to get all pissy and bitchy when these things occur. Oh no, that's all you. Are any of these things insurmountable? Nope. Do you act like the sky is falling every time one of them happens? Sure as shit you do. Most of those things, life's little annoyances, are totally beyond your control. No one intentionally causes these things, no one wished them on you, the world is NOT out to get aren't that important. I'm pretty sure the rest of the world doesn't consider you when it circles the sun. Sorry to disappoint all you narcissistic mother fucks out there. Shit happens. See if you can get over it.
Some of you like making mountains out of molehills. There have been plenty of injuries, sicknesses, even surgeries in my house...but you'd never know it. Most certainly you'd never find me blasting it all over social media land. It's none of your goddamn business, nor do I want your opinions and definitely not your pity. I don't require either. As a grown ass woman, I can handle the things that life throws at me. Much more than you can ever imagine and definitely more than you could on your very best day. I may not show it outwardly, but I am always fighting the good fight. Inside my mind and in my heart, there is constant turmoil, things about which I am constantly worried, tears left unshed, heartaches about which I'll never tell you, and normal every day shit that I have to get done. Trust me, you'll never see any of it on Facebook or Twitter. You can't help me and I don't want your trite words of supposed empathy.
There are so many folks out there who have had it worse than I, yet you'd never know it. Going about their lives, laughing and smiling, appreciating the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze on their faces...truly living life. While you sit around, glued to your computer screen, looking for shit about which to complain. No one I know has it that bad, lucky for them. Living in their safe little havens, untouched by real illness, never having to have dealt with true tragedy, having never felt threatened by someone they love, their children happy and generally healthy...grousing and griping about every little drama that they create out of their own self-pity and inability to handle life. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Don't you feel the slightest bit fucktarded for complaining now? If you don't, I'm afraid there's really no hope for you. Are you friggin kidding me right now???
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