Monday, September 10, 2012

Stop sugar-coating it!

"He was a nice man, a quiet man" and "I really can't believe this.  He was so quiet and kept to himself" are two of my all-time favorite quotes that can be heard on the news any time there's a reporter at the house of an alleged killer.  How is it that they are all nice, quiet men?  Either you had almost no contact with Mr. Bludgeon-Man or you are quite possibly the worst judge of character on Earth. I'm voting for worst judge on Earth. Everyone comes into contact with their next-door neighbor once in a while.  Usually, there's at least some eye-contact and a smile.  Most will even say "hello" before going inside or to their car. No warning bells went off for you every time he put his head down, smiling to himself, and muttering while he was walking up his driveway? Quiet is one thing, maniacal is definitely another. And frighteningly enough for your poor family, you can't discern between the two.  Someone doesn't need to walk around swinging a tire iron and laughing to look crazy.  But, in your case, they have to for you to notice that something is a little off.
Seems to me that all too many people have taken to sugar-coating their lives instead of calling it like they see it.  Maybe life is too overwhelming for the veals of today. It's easier to pop those rose-colored glasses on, adopt the "glass is half-full" mentality, and ignore anything unpleasant. You are a fucking flaming idiot and shouldn't be allowed to share my oxygen supply. How did you live this long? I am sitting here wondering if you also need reminders to breathe. Do you? The original theme song to Weeds is now playing in my head as I envision life through your obviously incredibly fucktarded eyes. For those of you lacking a refined sense of humor and interest in the darker side of life, the original theme song is Little Boxes, and my mental image of your life looks a little something like the town of Agrestic, which is featured in the video. You Brady Bunch motherfuck.
Have you taken a look around at the world we live in or do you put your head down just like your serial killer neighbor? I'm not telling you to live in abject fear and that you should piss yourself every time you leave the house. I'm encouraging more awareness of the world around you. Telling your children that everyone is good and kind and that they are perfectly safe, all while driving them up the block instead of letting them walk alone is sending mixed messages.  Not only that, but face it, you are raising walking, breathing targets for all sorts of predators.  Just like you.  So unaware of reality, stupid fucking smile pasted to your face, saying "how are you" like you give two shits to everyone you pass on the almost deserve to have the shiny, happy beaten the fuck out of you.

Look at statistics if you need a dose of reality. There were 4.2 homicides per 100,000 US residents in 2010, with 52% of them being committed by someone with whom the victim was acquainted. If this doesn't open your eyes, I don't know what will. This means that the nice, quiet neighbor could be part of 2012's statistics. Maybe it has something to do with being raised in Queens and having to get myself around, alone, using public transportation that made me a little more aware of my surroundings than most of you lily-white suburb dwellers. City living breeds street smarts than many just don't have, and should.  Now don't accuse me of thinking I'm a badass.  I KNOW I am. You are a panty-waist. Now that we have our titles in place, we can discuss more important things.
Like why you choose to ignore potentially upsetting things and leave yourself wide open for things like theft and crime. People around here leave doors unlocked, windows wide the fuck open, and don't think twice. What planet did you fall from right before you landed on this one? When I left NY and moved out to sunny California, we moved into a relatively safe, family-friendly neighborhood. At first we lived in a gated apartment complex, and yet I never felt completely safe. Then, three years later we bought our own place.  And what was one of the first things we did to the new house? You guessed it, we added a second lock to the front door and a jimmy proof door guard. Would you believe people actually asked why?!?! How much faith do YOU have in humanity?  At the time, I had a four year child and there was no way in hell I was taking any chances.
When I was about nine or so, some crazy bitch looking for my next door neighbor made her way into our building and pushed our apartment door open, heading straight for my mom's bedroom. It was fairly early in the morning, so we were both still sleeping. Thank God my mom was even ballsier than I, and sat straight up and asked the psycho who they were and what were they doing in our apartment.  All this while the woman held a pair of scissors in her hand, poised to stab my mom. Luckily, her cool demeanor diffused a potentially deadly situation, while I slept, unaware in my bed. Now, ask me again why I would add more locks to my front door and keep them locked all the goddamn time? Surely you jest.
By this time, many of you are calling me paranoid and shaking your heads at me.  Some are pointing their fingers and expounding on the evils that lie on the dirty, filthy, unsafe streets of NY. A few may actually fear ME at this point. That part is wise, I'm very unstable. However, my way of thinking is safe, secure, and doesn't take a whole lot of effort.  What is does require is a functioning brain and a IQ above idiot. This is where you probably fall short. You keep smiling at strangers and leaving your door wide the fuck open. I'll watch as you become a statistic, all while sitting on my couch, with the door bolted shut. Will I ever relent and become like you?  Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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