Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fucktard is the new retard

Being PC is completely stupid.  I've said it, I mean it, don't jump ugly with me over it. Maybe you want to change the way you speak in the name of political correctness, but I refuse. When did we start caring about everyone's feelings quite so much? We've become overly-sensitive to every group possible and are so busy watching what we say and creating new language with each new indignant outcry. Here's my say on the topic, fuck that shit.  We can't call it as we see it anymore, someone may be offended. Can't have that. Oh no, delicate little emotions are at stake and we certainly can't stomp all over them. Really?! Why not? Growing up in Queens, I think I've heard more racial slurs than most, but it doesn't make me a racist  I could care less what color you are, nationality you are, or what religion you believe. You are a person first. That's all I see, and all I give a shit about.
However, it seems that certain folks are looking to create new terminology to protect all of humanity, because we have NO other pressing issues in this country. Let's leave the homeless on the streets, stretch those unemployment lines for miles, exclude the lower classes from receiving medical care because they can't afford insurance, let poorer students lose out on college opportunities, and ignore the needs of people in our own backyard. Why? Because we need committees and meetings and funding to support a whole new fucking dictionary filled with brand new ways to call a spade a spade. I finished school many years ago. I am not interested in learning a new language right now. English works for me, and hopefully will continue to serve me as I live in the United States where it IS the national language. My way of speaking is descriptive, leaves no room for question, and has worked up until now. Why should I be any different?
Since when did short people become vertically challenged? What is so challenging about being short? Use a step-stool, stand on a chair to reach the high shelves...what else could you possibly have such an enormous struggle with that I should refer to you as challenged?  On that note, when did fat people become weight challenged? We've always sugar coated weight issues, calling the department store sections by cute names like, "husky" and "full-figured" and my favorite, the "women's" section. So, ladies, juniors, and petites are normal sized and WOMEN are fat?  Makes sense to me...dickwads. Men are just separated into men and the big and tall variety. Because calling a guy "big" is ok? See if you can continue to follow the logic, because fuck knows I can't.
Blind people are now visually challenged. No they aren't. They are blind, they can't see a blessed thing. I, however, am visually challenged because I need glasses to sit here and type this.The handicapped are differently abled. What the fuck is differently abled? Does being in a wheelchair help you to do calculus? Or am I missing something? They have a disability, the inability to do something that the rest of us can. Don't gift-wrap it.The deaf are auditorily impaired. Are you high? Or medically impaired? They can't hear, it's not half-assed and it's not temporary. Nerds are now called socially challenged. This term can also mean shy, awkward, having a social phobia...why just apply it to the geeks of the world? Because we have a new vocabulary and some fuckholes feel we are required to learn it.
Housewives are domestic engineers. While garbage men are sanitary engineers. When did these people get Bachelor's degrees in engineering? I can hardly imagine either of them being intelligent enough to pass Thermodynamics, why give them such a lofty title? Secretaries are administrative assistants, isn't that special?  Cashiers are sales associates, fancy! Stewardesses are now flight attendants, attending to what?! Waitresses are servers, and this I can accept since their job is to serve me. Prisoners are guests of the correctional system. Do they get turn-down service?  They live in correctional facilities, not prisons. How humane.  Because people who rape children should be housed in something comfy and cozy like a facility not a maximum security lockdown where they get ass pounded daily.
When you want a sex change, be sure to ask for gender reassignment surgery. Is being born the first assignment? I thought it was DNA and chromosomes that determined what sex you are born, not being assigned a gender. You assign homework. But you don't plagiarize or cheat anymore, you commit academic dishonesty. Much more gentle and less offensive to the sensitive youth we've raised like veal. Of course, if you are a woman, I mean person of gender, you may want to be treated with sensitivity. But you also want equal stop asking to be called something different. Speaking of being referred to in a kinder, gentler manner, let's talk about the new ethnic references we are supposed to memorize so we aren't considered racist pigs.
Blacks are not black, and they've also decided that they no longer enjoy Afro-American even though they coined the phrase. What's wrong with Afro-American? Until relaxers are applied or weaves are woven or dreads are knotted in, they all have some form of Afro first. So maybe we shouldn't refer to someone based on their hairdo, I'll accept that.  I'm considered white. Why can't they be black?  Fill out a form, see how it's broken down. There's no box to check next to New York born Italian-American. There's a box for Asian. Every Chink, Gook, and Nip wants to be called Asian. Here's what I'd like to impart, Asia is the largest continent on planet Earth.  Included on this continent for those of you too fucking stupid to know basic geography, are 48 countries. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Nepal, Russia, and the list goes on.  Tell me this, how many of these people fit into what you shitbricks are calling Asians these days??? I'll tell you. NONE.  Let's stop the fucking insanity, and refer to people based on the country, not the continent.  This goes for the people of color, as well. What color, I have no idea. I'm lightly honey-colored with tons of freckles. Is that MY color? So, no, you aren't African American. Africa is a continent.  Egypt, Libya, and Morocco are in Africa. Are you Egyptian-American? Do you speak Arabic?  Didn't think so. Want to be Congo-American or Eritrean-American, have at it. It's accurate and descriptive. You call me Italian-American or an American of Italian descent. Very specific and descriptive. I'm not European American, because no one in my family hails from Greece or Spain. I can't embrace an entire continent and neither should you.
Here's what I propose. Stop being so fucking touchy and let's go back to the 70s terminologies we used and enjoyed. There's no shame in calling a Mexican a Chicano, a homeless person a hobo, an ethnically homogeneous area a ghetto, and a spade a spade. I'm a white transplanted New Yorker of Italian and French Canadian descent, living in California. I'm not a Caucasian European displaced American. Fuck this nonsense already. But because I am also an enlightened, intelligent individual, I will create my own, brand new, you'd better learn it because it's going mainstream, word. Fucktard is the new retard. Will I use it often and happily? Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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