Monday, October 1, 2012

Your glass house is about to shatter...put the rock down!

How is it that some of you feel as though you've attained perfection? Let me see if I understand.  You look in the mirror and see a blemish-free face, with not a hair out of place, a straight and small nose, and a shapely body without an ounce of fat on it? Let's suspend disbelief here and go a step further. Then you open your mouth and dulcet tones flow out with ease and grammatical flawlessness? OK, one more step. Everyone around you gets treated with equal kindness and compassion regardless of the fact that they have not achieved your elevated status? Didn't think so.  You almost had me until I got to the last part. This is where you drop the ball. Here's where you call me Judgmental Jesus or something equally witty. There's a glaring difference between us.  Well, ok, many glaring differences.  But this one is huge.  Aside from the fact that I call EVERYONE out on their shit, using blunt honesty, I also have never once told you that I am perfect. As a matter of fact, I believe I have let you into the three-ring circus that is my mind and allowed you to watch an act or two.

Why is it that the bitchiest women are the ones I hear talking the most smack about other women? I don't mean about appearance, just yet, I mean about how the other ladies are so rude and nasty. It seems as though the more unpleasant you are, the more you view others as being unpleasant. In the world of psychology, it's called projection. Placing your faults on someone else because you can't handle those attributes you possess that in some way offend you, so you place them on someone else, thereby reducing your own anxiety. First, may I recommend a lovely drug called Klonopin? It's an anti-anxiety medication that works pretty nicely. The good people at Roche Labs can thank me later. Secondly, allow me to share something with you. You are a fucking twat. Check your own attitude before you stand in judgment of anyone else's.  As a matter of fact, since you are ranting on and on about another person in such a vicious, venom-spewing fashion, that tells me that you are the nasty, bitchass one and not your intended target. Unless you can honestly say that you speak no ill of anyone, you are right on par with the person you are capping on, so you may want to slap some duct tape across that diarrhea mouth of yours.
Now I'd like to know how someone can give relationship advice unless they are in a perfect one themselves? Maybe you can claim having the wisdom of experience and learning from your mistakes. That may be so, but in reality, you are still making mistakes because nobody learns from ALL of their errors and corrects them perfectly.  The nature of being human prevents that from ever happening.  This is why therapists and beer exist. Since humans by nature are imperfect, do share with me how it is that you are qualified to tell me how to run my fucking life? Unless I've handed over a co-pay, don't assume you have a clue about what I am going through or how to fix it. It always seems to be the person who lives a nightmare has the most to say about someone else's situation. Fix your own personal hell before injecting your opinion into another person's issues.

Of course, my own personal favorite is the person who criticizes someone purely based upon looks.  The last time I checked, there are very few supermodels roaming the streets, and chances are, they aren't the ones pointing and laughing at the chubby girls. Having been fat at least once or twice in my life, I can assure you, we don't like the way we feel more than you dislike the way we look. Furthermore, how do you know we aren't trying to lose the weight? Have you followed us around and determined that we do nothing all day but eat donuts and lie on the couch? Sometimes, curvy is hot.  Society has convinced us that the only way to be attractive is have long, skinny legs, protruding hip bones, a flat stomach, and no ass.  I challenge that standard and reference one of the sexiest women who has ever graced this world, Marilyn Monroe.  By today's sizing standards, she would have been a size 12.  In our world, that is the size that begins most designers' PLUS sizes.  I challenge you to tell me that Marilyn was plus-sized.
Unless you embody the standard by which you are judging all others, you need to swallow a big gulp of shut the fuck up.  Most people who are busy insulting others are by far the most unattractive I've seen. Your attitude can make you beautiful even if God didn't grace you with perfect skin, hair, or teeth.  By the same token, even if you are, by society's standards, quite lovely, if your attitude sucks saggy balls, you look as ugly as a bag of assholes. Stop judging what you don't know. Most people think they know what prejudice means, but they skip over a huge part of the definition.  It's not only about race, creed, or sex.  The moment you open your yap to criticize someone without really knowing their whole story, you are one prejudiced motherfuck. And do you really think I'd want to have a beer with you? Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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