Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election day: Obama vs Romney.

Since a large portion of you have not heeded my advice about keeping politics the fuck off of Facebook, Twitter, and out of my earshot, I feel obligated to have this discussion again. Feeling passionate about your candidate is great, I fully support your right to do that. Having extremely strong opinions about political topics and possessing deep-seated beliefs are your God-given rights. As an American you have the right to vote for any available candidate you want. You also have the right to be a member of any political party you choose while voting your conscience, privately.  That decision is between you and your ballot. While I may disagree with your choice, I respect your right to choose. Sadly, many of you do not share that respect for others. And you do it loudly and with great zeal like the dumbfucks I've found you all to be recently.
Some people vote the way their parents voted, which is the way their parents voted, and so on. Maintaining the familial party lines and not veering from tradition, they blindly follow decades of voting patterns. As stupid as that is, I don't begrudge you your right to do so. Just like I respect those who break free from the confines of their family's long-standing opinions and vote based on their own opinions, needs, and research on both candidates. Research, do some, it may sway your vote. Speaking of research, I do wonder how many people actually do that before they walk into their polling place or seal their absentee ballots?

Research doesn't mean looking for nasty pics insulting the other candidate and preaching your religion and fuck knows what else and posting them all over the place.  This doesn't constitute true research.  All it shows me is that you know how to use Google. Congratulations, so do most elementary school children, fucking window licker.  Nasty and misleading, they only tell one side of the story, and that side is skewed based upon one person's opinion.  Yet, you look them up and post them like your life depends on it. What are you hoping to prove?  Do you think that if you put up enough libelous shit, you'll convince me to vote the same way you do? Trust me when I tell you, in general, bombarding me with negativity and insults to my intelligence doesn't move me to agree with you. As a matter of fact, it sends me on my own information hunt to check the validity of what you've attempted to shove down my throat.
Once again, I'm seeing tons of religious posts supposedly there to justify the support of a particular candidate. Did you forget separation of church and state?  I did post the entire quote a few entries back for those who didn't remember. That was nice of me, wasn't it? I figured the people who would allow their religious affiliations to dictate who they could vote for weren't very intelligent and perhaps missed that lesson in school.  You are quite welcome. Personally, I don't give a ripe fuck why you are voting for your candidate, but please don't base it on your future spot in heaven. For those who  calculate their every move using their religion as a guide, it's your BEHAVIOR here on Earth that decides whether you move on to paradise or if your destination is a bit more southern in direction. It most certainly has nothing to do with the person you vote for in the Presidential election. God doesn't care, He has more pressing issues than for whom you are voting. Look around you.

Please stop filling my feed with pro-life shit. I am pro-woman and that encompasses your opinion and mine. Just because I would not choose to terminate a pregnancy, doesn't give me the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. Women have come so far...we drink, we vote, we go to college, we work outside the home, and goddamn it, we can decide what grows in our uterus! Those of you who are bleeding heart bible thumpers seriously get on my last nerve. Allow me to remind you that I am indeed, a Roman Catholic who married a Roman Catholic and has raised her only child Roman Catholic. My religious affiliation doesn't affect my intelligence as it clearly has with many of you. Someone who thinks that I am a lesser individual, not nearly as smart, and definitely unable to make my own decisions because I don't have a penis does not get my vote.  I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass if he shares my religious beliefs.

Let me remind you, our current president came into his position having a country on its last leg thrust into his hands with demands to fix it. It didn't take one presidential term to fuck it up, how can you expect it to take a measly four years to correct? If you put on 50 pounds over the last two years, would you expect to lose it in three weeks? Fucktarded, right?  Yet that is what some Americans were demanding of our Commander in Chief. The leader of our country, yes. Superhuman, no. He's a person like you and me, fallible yet hardworking. Is the unknown a more palatable option for you? Would you really be happier with his polar opposite in office? I don't presume to try to sway your opinion in either direction. You'll vote for who you have chosen based on criteria only you aware of and have to live with the results of that action.
Here's what I propose, keep your votes private. This means, stop posting libelous fucking shit all over the internet, thinking you are the funniest person in the world all while showing me how incredibly fucking stupid you are with each new post. As entitled to your opinion as am I, try to keep it to yourself. I know you are so excited about your choice, and that a buffoon like you is allowed to exercise your right to vote. The rest of us, those with functioning brains and elevated intelligence levels, are not interested and do not share your excitement. We are too busy actually learning about the candidates, researching their platforms on all the issues that we deem crucial to our decision-making process, and voting quietly and privately. The more you beat your chest, jump up and down, and scream from atop your soap box, the more you look like an ass clown. Stop being a loud wrong.  Are you friggin kidding me right now???

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